Artists Better To Get With Ethscription Artwork Too

Ethscriptions Website

On this art blog we are not known to mince our words or to makes statements we do not believe.

We do believe strongly that if you are an artist, then get your art Ethscriptioned or Ethscripted too.

Ethscriptions was developed by music website co-founder Tom Lehman, who uses the pseudonym Middlemarch on Twitter.

Lehman declared the project a “huge success” in a series of tweets on June 17 and noted nearly 30,000 Ethscriptions had been created within the first 18 hours of the protocol going live.

Ethscriptions can essentially be thought of as a type of NFT.

However, they’re different from the many other NFT collections on the Ethereum network.

Previous NFTs have essentially been smart contracts, managed through a blockchain, that allow you to transfer the right to own certain media to a specific owner.


With Ethscriptions, the blockchain itself becomes the NFT. Instead of being a separate item managed through an Ethereum smart contract, the blockchain data is its own defined NFT.

Ethereum has a reputation for being one of the most flexible and innovative major blockchains, and its latest addition, Ethscriptions, has the whole crypto community buzzing.

Will Ethscriptions become a valuable crypto investment?

We say that they most certainly will, we hope!

Art Abstract Expressionism Artist UK is obviously already a fantastic very popular art blog in its own right, and it is now being said in wider circles that it will become the very best top recommended art blog there is in NFT entrepreneurship and now also Ethereum Blockchain Ethscriptions too.