Exclusive Interview with Award-Winning Artist and Actor Dave Vescio – Part 5 | The Journey Never Ends

© Dave Vescio

PART 1: Exclusive Interview with Dave Vescio – Art, Fame, Life!

After a much-anticipated hiatus, The World Art News is delighted to welcome back the captivating award-winning artist and actor, Dave Vescio. Known for his thought-provoking insights and profound reflections, Dave returns to grace our exclusive interviews with his signature blend of philosophy and deep introspection.

In this installment, he candidly unveils his journey as a contemporary artist and photographer, offering invaluable insights into his distinctive methodology. Beyond the realm of artistry, Dave delves into addressing not only artistic and emotional challenges but also navigating the complex landscape of global issues that confront us all.

“When the world zigs, I zag.”

Since our last interview, what major developments have taken place in your art career?

I realized, after researching all the Top 200 juried art shows in the United States, that I needed a cohesive body of work for my applications to these shows. So, in the past year, I’ve really focused on getting my artist website and my artworks ready for these juried art shows. When I first started creating artworks with a still camera in 2020, my focus was solely on creating art.

Over time, it evolved into different series and collections. For the past year, I have mostly organized them into two cohesive bodies of work: abstract portraits and nature. I believe my abstract portrait body of work is ready to compete in the juried art shows for the upcoming year. However, my nature body of work is not quite ready yet. It may need another year or two, or even three, to complete.

“I believe my abstract portrait body of work is ready.”

They’re Always Watching Me, No. 3 © Dave Vescio

That’s been my primary focus this past year. I’ve heard that most mid-career artists create a new body of work once every three to four years, and that’s about how long it took me to create a solid body of work for my abstract portraits. My nature pieces are taking longer because it’s not my primary focus for creating art.

I’ve also resumed competing in the Top 7 photography contests in the world that have an abstract category. The new competition season began this past March, and as you know, I’ve won 16 awards from these Top 7 photography contests in the first two years that I competed. I hope to win at least 7 more awards this coming season. Additionally, I’m creating a new series of abstract portraits. We’ll see if it becomes a new approach to abstract portraits for myself or if it simply ends up being a new collection. Only time will tell…

Faith Hope Love © Dave Vescio

These past few years have been intense for everyone. As an individual, what life lessons have you learned, and what new understandings have you discovered for yourself?

During my involvement in two immersive video projects with the world-renowned contemporary artist Paul McCarthy—CSSC & DADDA—I recall a significant piece of advice he imparted. Paul once suggested that to truly understand art, one should venture into the wilderness alone.

This counsel resonated deeply with me, prompting me to embark on a solitary journey into the wilderness for my 50th birthday in June of 2020, coinciding with the onset of the Covid lockdowns. It was during this introspective sojourn that I began capturing fine-art photographs of nature with a still camera, marking the commencement of my profound exploration into the soul and spirit of our planet.

“To truly understand art, one should venture into the wilderness alone.”

Dave Vescio's contemporary art 4
Wicked Things Happening at Arches © Dave Vescio

Subsequently, in October 2020, as I delved into creating abstract portraits, my curiosity led me to study the original creators of abstract art—the ancient humans who adorned caves with petroglyphs and paintings. I immersed myself in their natural habitats in the American Southwest, encountering petroglyphs dating back 10,000 years and ancient architecture from 12,000 years ago in the American Southeast.

These encounters sparked my fascination with hominids, our evolutionary predecessors who first etched geometrical markings on cave walls long before the advent of Homo sapiens. Through this journey of discovery, I’ve come to realize that our origins are deeply intertwined with the Earth; we are inseparable from the planet that birthed us and to which we ultimately return upon death.

“We are inseparable from the planet that birthed us and to which we ultimately return upon death.”

They’re Always Watching Me, No. 13 © Dave Vescio

I concur with the eminent philosopher Joseph Campbell’s vision of a future religion—a collective realization of our shared humanity, stemming from our common evolutionary lineage originating in Africa. In this envisioned future, our reverence transcends divisive religious doctrines, centering instead on our symbiotic relationship with Earth.

As we continue to evolve, it is imperative that we acknowledge and embrace our interconnectedness with our planet and the universe from whence it came. Our purpose lies in perpetual discovery and connection, affirming our intrinsic bond with Earth and the cosmos. Neglecting this fundamental connection imperils our existence. Therefore, let us cherish and safeguard our planet while fostering unity and compassion among all beings. We are, indeed, one.

“We are, indeed, one.”

The Starry Night © Dave Vescio

In a world often overshadowed by negativity, how do you personally cope with it all?

By allowing myself to truly see the world for what it is and to then ‘re-create myself’ into something new and different. Einstein once said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” So, I’ve literally accepted the world that we are currently living in.

And it’s time for me to pivot into a new reality that I can control again. When the world zigs, I zag. I always have. And I’m slowly zagging away from everything I know of and throwing myself off the cliff into the unknown once again. By having faith and believing in myself, and hoping to find others who see the same ‘light at the end of the tunnel’ that I currently see…

“I’ve literally accepted the world that we are currently living in.”

The Forgotten Stories of Time, No. 1 © Dave Vescio

Part 6 is Coming Soon!

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