Where is Salvator Mundi? World’s Most Expensive Painting Set to Become Saudi Arabia’s Crown Jewel in Billion-Dollar Museum Gamble

leonardo salvator mundi
“Salvator Mundi” by Leonardo da Vinci


The saga of “Salvator Mundi,” a painting attributed to Leonardo da Vinci, continues to captivate the art world with its mysterious journey and uncertain future. This Renaissance masterpiece, depicting Christ with a serene expression and a raised hand in blessing, sold for a staggering $450 million at Christie’s in 2017, making it the most expensive artwork ever auctioned. However, since its sale, the painting has vanished from public view, leaving experts and enthusiasts alike speculating about its whereabouts.

Recent reports suggest that the elusive painting may soon re-emerge as the centerpiece of a new museum in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The painting’s purchase by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, widely known as MBS, was initially shrouded in secrecy, with his identity as the buyer only revealed through subsequent media reports. Since then, rumors have swirled about the painting’s location, with some speculating that it was being housed on MBS’s luxury yacht, the “Serene.”

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However, new revelations have come to light, suggesting that “Salvator Mundi” has been stored in a vault in Geneva, Switzerland, since its purchase. This information was brought to the fore in a BBC documentary, where Bernard Haykel, a professor of Near Eastern Studies at Princeton University and a close associate of MBS, disclosed that the painting is being kept safe in Geneva, awaiting its eventual display in a yet-to-be-built museum in Riyadh.

The planned museum, according to Haykel, is envisioned as a cultural landmark that will draw visitors from around the world, with “Salvator Mundi” serving as its anchor exhibit, much like the Mona Lisa at the Louvre in Paris. This ambitious project is part of MBS’s broader vision to modernize Saudi Arabia and establish it as a cultural hub in the Middle East, a plan that also includes significant investments in sports and entertainment.

The potential unveiling of “Salvator Mundi” in Riyadh has sparked both excitement and controversy. Some see it as a strategic move by Saudi Arabia to enhance its global cultural standing, while others view it as an attempt to “art-wash” the country’s controversial human rights record. The painting’s association with MBS has been particularly contentious, given the crown prince’s alleged involvement in the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018, a claim that MBS has consistently denied.

“Salvator Mundi” by Leonardo da Vinci

Adding to the intrigue is the ongoing debate over the painting’s attribution to Leonardo da Vinci. While some experts are convinced of its authenticity, others question whether the work was truly created by the Renaissance master. The painting has undergone extensive restoration, which has led to disputes over the extent of Leonardo’s involvement in its creation. The National Gallery in London, which featured the painting in a 2011 exhibition, has also faced criticism for its role in promoting the work as a genuine Leonardo, a move that significantly boosted its value at auction.

Despite these controversies, “Salvator Mundi” remains a highly sought-after piece of art, with its value and significance undiminished by the questions surrounding its provenance. The painting’s potential display in a Saudi museum could mark the end of its enigmatic journey, providing the public with a rare opportunity to view this masterpiece once again.

As Saudi Arabia continues to expand its cultural and artistic ambitions under MBS’s leadership, the story of “Salvator Mundi” serves as a potent symbol of the intersection between art, politics, and power. Whether the painting will ultimately fulfill its role as the “male Mona Lisa” in a new Saudi museum remains to be seen, but its journey thus far has undoubtedly secured its place in the annals of art history.

Also Read

Salvator Mundi: a Bone of Contention – Prominent Art Restorer Speaks Out

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