By Manuela A. Accinno
Photographer Andrea Boyer’s ‘Sovrimpressioni’ project is part of a contemporary artistic context in which the intersection of science and art generates new visual narratives. Inspired by Feynman’s equation, which suggests the existence of a multiverse of possibilities and reality as a sum of potential states, Boyer develops a form of photographic decomposition that not only represents the visible world, but also sets out to explore the multiple layers of meaning and the intrinsic potential of each subject.
Central to the research is the idea of an image that cannot be reduced to a single interpretation; on the contrary, it is a palimpsest of overlapping experiences and visions. Each photograph becomes a field of interaction between what is and what could be, a journey through the uncertainties and ambivalences of human perception. Through the use of photographic language, Boyer creates compositions that transcend mere representation; his works evoke a complex temporal and spatial dimension in which the past, present and future coexist in a play of references and reflections.

The choice to explore the decomposition of the image is also a response to the information age in which we live, where the immediacy of digital images often blurs the line between fiction and reality. Boyer, in this sense, invites us to reflect on how technology influences the way we perceive the world. The inspiration derived from Cubism’s quadruple vision and Futurism’s celebration of movement and speed are reflected in Boyer’s desire not to limit himself to the observable, but also to embrace the unexplored potential, what might exist beyond the tangible.
Each shot is thus transformed into an open window onto an infinity of possibilities, recalling the idea that each instant can be interpreted in multiple ways, shaped by the experience and individual perception of the beholder. In this context, photography emerges as a privileged tool to address the ontological challenges of our time; a visual language that transcends the boundaries of classical representation, revealing the complexity of reality and proposing new perspectives in an incessant interplay of visual forms and dynamics, in a vibrant interplay between stasis and movement.

Boyer’s approach raises profound questions about what it means to ‘see’. In a world saturated with images, his overlays act as catalysts for a critical analysis of the contemporary gaze. Where traditional photography offers us an apparent truth, Boyer’s works invite us to question this truth, to peer beyond the surface and recognize the multiple narratives that coexist in each frame. Here, the act of photographing becomes an act of creation. A cartography of human experience that transcends the mere document, embracing subjectivity and imagination.
A selection of visual works from this project is currently on display at the atelier “Cornici e Restauri”, located at 12 Via Luigi Canonica in Lugano, Switzerland. The exhibition is curated by Francesco Di Gregorio and will be open to the public until 30 October, 2024.
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