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Exclusive Interview with Darla Farner: Unconventional Abstract Expressionism

Darla Farner, Unconventional Abstract Expressionist
© Darla Farner

Darla Farner’s journey as an artist is anything but conventional. From working two part-time jobs while relentlessly pursuing her passion to having her first ten paintings exhibited at the governor’s office, her story is one of perseverance, creativity, and unshakable dedication. Inspired by raw emotion and an unfiltered imagination, her abstract expressionist works captivate with their energy and depth. But despite decades of creating, she has yet to sell a single piece—by choice. Why has she held off on selling her art? And what drives her to keep pushing forward? Read on to discover the fascinating story behind this visionary artist.

Can you tell us about your childhood and how it influenced your artistic journey?

Growing up, I didn’t have the traditional family lifestyle. I grew up with six siblings, my parents were divorced, and my mother raised the children.

Did you have any early experiences with art in school?

I remember my art teacher would let me work in the classroom so I wouldn’t have to stay in my history class.

Darla Farner, Unconventional Abstract Expressionism Art
© Darla Farner

When did you meet your husband, and how did your career evolve over the years?

I met my husband in 1987 and got married in 1988. I continued to work in the medical field for 17 years and the food service industry for 25 years while following my artistic path. I took on the jobs that nobody wanted since it was difficult to work full-time and pursue my art career. I spent every waking moment creating and marketing my art for 26 years, sometimes working two part-time jobs.

What initially inspired you to become an artist?

I don’t recall being inspired to be an artist; it was just who I am. I remember liking art more than any other class.

How would you describe your artistic style?

I would describe my art style as abstract and contemporary. I mastered it immediately after taking a one-week workshop.

Darla Farner, Unconventional Abstract Expressionism Art
© Darla Farner

Do you prefer working with specific materials or formats?

I have been painting on the same size museum-quality hot-compressed paper, 22×30 inches and 30×36 inches.

What challenges have you faced in becoming a full-time artist?

It was very difficult becoming a full-time artist. I have faced many challenges and wanted to give up many times. It can be embarrassing to put yourself in the public eye since people are often very critical. However, I’ve learned to embrace criticism.

Where was your first major exhibition?

My first ten paintings were exhibited at the governor’s office in Salem, Oregon, in 1999. This motivated me to produce a few hundred paintings since then.

Darla Farner, Unconventional Abstract Expressionism Art
© Darla Farner

Can you share your creative process and how you generate new ideas?

I come up with innovative art ideas using my imagination. I see creativity in everything I do.

Do you work on multiple pieces at once?

Yes, I work on several paintings at the same time. If I have a creative block, I set that painting aside and move on to another.

What makes your art unique?

My art is unique because I don’t copy anyone. I use my imagination and intuition to create my paintings.

Darla Farner, Unconventional Abstract Expressionism Art
© Darla Farner

Do you experiment with different mediums?

I experience new mediums all the time and use anything I can get my hands on to create my abstract paintings.

Who is your favorite artist, and why?

My favorite artist is Jackson Pollock. I love the freedom in his art.

How do you surround yourself with art in your daily life?

I surround myself with my own art.

Do you explore recurring themes in your work?

No, I never know what I will end up with when painting.

Darla Farner, Unconventional Abstract Expressionism Art
© Darla Farner

Do you have a specific technique or process for starting a painting?

I have a routine of layering various types of paper on hot-compressed paper and pouring watercolor, gouache, and acrylic over it. After letting it dry, I peel it off and start using my imagination. This is the beginning process of each painting.

What do you believe is the most important skill for an artist?

The primary skill to becoming a good artist is to create as much as possible. Every time I create, I learn something new—often by making a mistake.

Do you feel pressure to compete with other artists?

I never feel pressure or competition from other artists. I strictly focus on my own work.

Darla Farner, Unconventional Abstract Expressionism Art
© Darla Farner

What advice would you give to emerging artists?

You will need to wear many hats, and it’s not an easy road. Be prepared to embarrass yourself and take lots of criticism. Do not copy someone else—be true to your own work.

Have you ever collaborated with other artists?

I collaborated once with other artists in a show for the City of Gresham, Oregon. However, I felt that my art was too sophisticated for the show. I consider myself a solo artist.

How do you balance the commercial and creative aspects of being an artist?

Balancing the commercial aspect with the creative side requires a separate mindset.

Darla Farner, Unconventional Abstract Expressionism Art
© Darla Farner

Have you sold your art?

I have not sold my art since I started in 1988. Most of my sales have been through charity auctions. After I was published and inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2009, I held off on selling my art. I don’t know what price to put on my work, and I hope to get into an auction house to find out.

How do you promote your art?

I have been promoting my art for years through magazines, social media, news releases, and online galleries.

Have you ever taken on commissioned work?

I tried a commission project once, and it was a very unpleasant experience. It was nothing like what the client wanted. I vowed never to do it again.

Darla Farner, Unconventional Abstract Expressionism Art
© Darla Farner

What are your thoughts on the changing art market?

I like how the art market is evolving, except for crypto payments. My bank does not accept them, and there is too much fraud involved.

How do you stay updated with trends in the art world?

I stay updated with social media regarding trends in the art market.

What role does social media play in the career of a contemporary artist?

Social media plays a huge role in an artist’s career. It allows them to show videos of their process and engage with a global audience.

Darla Farner, Unconventional Abstract Expressionism Art
© Darla Farner

Also Read

Darla Farner: A Trailblazer in Abstract Expressionism

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