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Lyonel Feininger in Germany, 25 years later

Lyonel Feininger in Germany, 25 years later

From October 27, 2023 to February 18, 2024, the Schirn Kunsthalle in Frankfurt presents the first major retrospective in Germany in over twenty-five years of Lyonel Feininger, one of the key figures of German Expressionism.

Source: Schirn Kunsthalle in Frankfurt · Image: Lyonel Feininger, “Self Portrait”, 1915, Oil on linen, 100.3 x 80 cm, The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Museum purchase funded by the Caroline Wiess Law Accessions Endowment Fund, 2014.756, Photo © The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Work of Art © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2023

Curated by Dr. Ingrid Pfeiffer, the exhibition includes a compre­hen­sive and surprising overview of the artist’s creative work. Feininger is famous for his paint­ings of build­ings, crys­talline archi­tec­tures in unmis­tak­able monu­men­tality, and harmo­nious colors. The exhi­bi­tion presents main works which are seldom on view and also little-known series like the artist’s recently rediscovered photographs. 

Although the Schirn retrospective is the artist’s first in Germany in a quarter of a century, the artist has been the subject of several major exhibitions in the United States in relatively recent times, including the Whitney Museum’s major retrospective (30 June – 16 October 2011), and an exhibition of his photographs at the Getty Museum (25 October 2011 – 11 March 2012).

In addition, next November 9, 2023, the Schirn Kunsthalle will present the first compre­hen­sive overview of the work of John Akom­frah (b. 1957), which to date is still rela­tively unknown in Germany. His oeuvre crit­i­cally exam­ines colo­nial pasts, global migra­tion, and the climate crisis. The starting point of the Schirn’s exten­sive presen­ta­tion is a new immer­sive multi­screen instal­la­tion.