Author Archives: artNews

Book Authors Destined To Become Very Famous Future Bestsellers

Jamie Badger Rothery
Jamie Badger Rothery

We have already been asked on previous occasions to recommend book authors we feel relevant and interesting for the more artistic discerning mind.

We are always very careful in our choice and suggestions concerning authors and their book publications for reading enjoyment, especially on an art blog such as ours of such magnitude.

Here we do include one such author Jamie Badger Rothery who we feel relevant and worthy to be included on this great and fantastic art blog.

We do not feel it appropriate to include authors already well known in the book publishing field and who may be of a more commercial standing.

Neither do we feel it appropriate to include or recommend authors of content that may not be fitting to the more artistic mind and creative imagination.

We are very proud to recommend an author still relatively unknown, but who we feel more than worthy to be included on our very popular art blog.

Jamie Badger Rothery

Jamie Badger Rothery was born in Yorkshire and has a long history in the South and South West of England.

He has worked in Bristol and London for over twenty years and is also well travelled.

He has now settled in the West Country of England with Brother Frank (also an author) to write books.

He enjoys studying, research and literary pursuits along with tennis and sports.

While writing and also editing, Jamie Badger Rothery has numerous books with Amazon on subjects of psychology and true stories also – a family murder in the late 19th century – ‘Emma – The Tavy Murders’.

Included in his other works which some would find extremely interesting are works on his father’s army history – ‘Queen’s Soldier 7787’ – ‘Campaign Medal’ and ‘The Move’.

Badger is currently working on a 19th/20th century family history while editing and completing other works including a series of eight 19th century country stories.

All the wonderful books below by Jamie Badger Rothery can be found on Amazon here