Discover a captivating world of creativity and inspiration! Dive into our art blog, where brushstrokes come to life and imagination knows no bounds. Uncover insightful articles, artist spotlights, and thought-provoking discussions that will ignite your passion for all things art. Join us on this artistic journey, where every word paints a vivid picture. Welcome to our vibrant community of art enthusiasts!
Last month I was invited into a local preschool’s Makerspace to do a project with their 4 and 5yr olds. I decided to use the materials they had collected for the space, which was lots and lots of recyclables, plus I brought in a few of my own goodies and we made recycled collages! Let...
I’m back to making pom-poms and finding inspiration through yarn! It brings me so much joy, I really need to buy or make a big loom so I can create bigger yarn pieces. But for now, pom-poms and tassels it is! These are just fun to make with a group, or for a gift, or...
These paper luminaries began as a project for our December “Solstice” guide. I was so inspired by how they turned out that I ordered a star hole punch and just kept making more! The idea started as a simple cutting and hole punching station for children using construction paper. In our December guide, we also...
This is a perfect craft for a cozy day inside. All you need are some plain cupcake liners (here I used white and kraft) and some scissors. Hole punchers optional. That’s it! Fold them a few times, snip here and there, and soon you will have a whole table full of these little cupcake liner...
We carved pumpkins as a family for the first time in years! It used to be a family tradition, for the 13 years we lived on a cul-de-sac and got over 400 trick-or-treaters every year. But then we moved and now we don’t even get one visitor on Halloween night. This weekend, though, our carving...
I took a walk in our local park this week on the most perfect fall day. Temps were low 60’s, sky was bright blue, there was a slight breeze and just the smell of autumn in the air. The trees have been turning for two weeks now but on this day, with the breeze, leaves...
My mind is constantly trying to fit in time to weave. I am such a novice, and don’t really have a style, but I love playing around with color and shape. This time I tried a round doodle weaving using an embroidery hoop! I didn’t follow anybody’s instructions, I just made it up as I...
This post is long overdue! I know I have promised to video my color mixing with liquid watercolor for quite some time. The truth is, mixing this medium is not as easy as mixing tempera paints. It is far from an exact science. Part of that reason is that liquid watercolors are very concentrated so not...
I started working on these “Love Not War” banners just a few days after Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022. I began with the Ukrainian flag colors, but soon recognized that there were other countries at war right now, with innocent people dying and refugees fleeing. Specifically, in Syria and Afghanistan. So I researched...
Este diciembre queremos compartir con vosotros una exposición de Oliva Belinchón:
Está acabando 2020. No hay que decir que ha sido un año terrible para todo el mundo. El arte y la cultura nos han ayudado a evadirnos, han abierto puertas y ventanas en las paredes de nuestras casas con cientos de escapatorias distintas: películas, teatro, literatura, artes plásticas…
Aunque los museos estuviesen vacíos, el arte nos iluminaba, en lo posible, el día a día.
En palabras de la artista madrileña: _ “SILENCIO Y LLANTO EN LA SALA DEL MUSEO VACÍA” Fusiles quemando las ilusiones, las vidas de un pueblo, igual que el virus. Horror. _
Esta exposición de Oliva Belinchón es un homenaje a las víctimas, un sentido tributo a todos aquellos que han sido héroes en el cuidado de los demás y un reflejo del Madrid vacío que lucha con esperanza.
En sus propias palabras: “Acurrucada en la soledad de un pasillo de hospital sientes como propio cualquier dolor humano”.
La crisis sanitaria nos ha obligado a hacer cambios drásticos en nuestra forma de relacionarnos que no esperábamos hacer. Nos hemos adaptado a algunas cosas y hemos modificado muchas otras. Y, como siempre que la realidad golpea con dramáticos sucesos, el arte se ha hecho eco y espejo de lo que sucedía.
Cerramos 2020 con esta fantástica exposición de Oliva, que podréis disfrutar en una visita virtual AQUÍ, deseándoos a todos lo mejor para 2021.