Works by the Florentine artist, who has been largely overlooked since his death aged 35, will go on show at the National Gallery
Category Archives: Exhibitions
Glasgow's Hunterian Museum and Art Gallery is presenting highlights from its collection alongside work by contemporary artists
An exhibition at the Walters Art Museum spanning two millennia aims to open our eyes to the splendour of an intercontinental cultural hub
A dozen museums throughout the UK have received works by the artist, who died in 1993
The exhibition at the National Gallery of Australia singles the artist out as one of the great painters of the late 20th century
Exhibition at the Irish Museum of Modern Art draws parallels between the geopolitical shifts after the First World War and what the artists of new nations were making
The Indigenous painter, whose survey opens at the National Gallery of Australia this week, only started her artistic career in her mid-70s
The couple will also donate select (as yet unspecified) pieces from their personal holdings to the museum
The artist says the “level of German self-righteousness is beyond absurd”
The ancient objects were on loan to a Dutch museum from Russia-occupied Crimea before the Black Sea peninsula was annexed