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Humabotic: Human Brain Emulation Mindscape Robots AI By 2050

AI Artificial Intelligence


What are the chances of human beings becoming purely robotic or – Humabotic by the year 2050?

In mathematics we can prove the unpredictability of several classes of statements, which in principle means that we cannot know their whole truth value, and hence we know that no intelligent being can know everything.

But we may argue that mathematics is simply the domain of formal languages, and knowledge about properties of mathematical statements does not have any biological significance when discussing Humabotics

We have seen throughout history automation and mechanisation boost the overall standard of living.

We have seen it with the Industrial Revolution, and it’s going to happen again.

According to estimates from the United Nations, poverty was reduced to a greater extent over the past five decades than in the previous 50.

That’s because the global economy grew seven times larger, and technology played a huge part in that progress.

It is very likely that people will be living inside robots and becoming Humabotic in the year 2050.

While advancements in robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) have been made in recent years, it is extremely likely that technology will have progressed massively to the point where people will be able to live inside Humabotic robots.

This would require that a person’s brain be scanned in great detail and recreated in a computer simulation.

The person’s mind and memories, emotions and personality would be duplicated.

In effect, a new and equally valid version of that person would now exist, in a potentially immortal, digital form. This futuristic possibility is called mind uploading.

The science of the brain and of consciousness increasingly suggests that mind uploading is possible – there are no laws of physics to prevent it.

The technology is likely to be far in our future around 2050 before the details are fully worked out – and yet given how much interest and effort is already directed towards that goal, mind uploading seems inevitable.

But of course we can’t be certain how it might affect our culture but as the technology of simulation and artificial neural networks shapes up, we can guess what that mind uploading future might be like.

The technology required for such a scenario to happen would have to be highly advanced, including but not limited to advanced robotics, AI, material science, power source, and medical technology, and would have to overcome several technical and ethical challenges.

Robots and AI will play an increasing role in people’s lives in 2050, such as in the fields of healthcare, transportation, and manufacturing.

In these areas, robots and AI may be used to assist humans in carrying out tasks or to perform tasks that are too dangerous or difficult for humans to do.

Additionally, the integration of AI in our daily lives will become more prevalent and may change the way we interact with technology and how we live.


By around 2039 we will be able to download the entire human brain onto metaverse software and live entirely within virtual reality itself.

The carnal human body will be stored, oxygenated and nourished, within specially suspended intensive care capsules, in what we may describe in today’s terms as a type of (living Morgue).

The body will inevitably be stored for its natural lifespan, and when the body dies through old age or illness, then the downloaded brain within the software would continue living within the metaverse and on into immortality.

The reason the body would be stored alive up until its natural mortality, would be because of the (right to leave) the virtual world whilst still physically alive in the physical human body form.

Once the physical human body had died in real time, then you would be entirely on your own within the metaverse and with no way back into the physical realm.

There would be no personal physical human body to download your brain back into.

But, there is no reason that by 2050 we would not be able to up-load the human brain software from the metaverse previously downloaded onto it, back again into a Humabotic robot after the human body it originally came from in the physical realm has long since died.

In some cases this may be a time span of hundreds of years after physical death.

Whole brain emulation and mindscaping is in effect mind transfer to a non biological host although it could equally apply to uploading the brain to a new biological brain created via tissue engineering this has the drawback that if the original brain continues to exist the second brain would have a separate existence.

In other words whilst you are identical at the time of upload increasing divergence over time will be inevitable but it means the consciousness could never die provided it is appropriately backed up.

Whole brain emulation is a strategy for creating a kind of artificial intelligence by replicating the functionality of the human brain in software.

It seems likely that we’ll be able to emulate brains this century — unless other forms of AI are created first, which then change our trajectory.

Successful whole brain emulation could enable dramatic new forms of intelligence — so steering the development of this technique could be crucial (see our full profile on preventing AI-related catastrophes for more).

If digital people are created through whole brain emulation, this would likely cause rapid economic growth, and — because digital people won’t die or physically age and their existence could lock in values for an extended period of time.

In the worst cases, this could involve locking in stable totalitarianism or bringing about other suffering risks.

Artificial Intelligence Advancement

Tech giants like GoogleAppleMicrosoft and Amazon are currently spending billions to create AI products and services, and universities are now making AI their normal mode of teaching and learning and defence and law enforcement are already gearing up to get into the AI mode of the new age.

Other great platforms like Atlantic Voyage Ape Club are making unbelievable advances in virtual technology with their latest amazing Titanic venture.

There are also the present day early pioneers and innovators of the virtual world and the metaverse like the great Paul Marlborough and the 45 Laws of Crypto.